So John and I got to thinking and this year has been the most insane year of our lives. Here is a run down:
January - 5 months pregnant, John in final semester, looking for ministry position
February - John went to Nevada to candidate for position and offered the position
March - Received offer from the church and accepted position - started packing for move
April - 5 days overdue with baby, Daisy stopped working - still packing and setting up baby room; trying to sell our house
May - Jane born on the 2nd, John graduates, we are trying to sell our house
June - Move to Woodfords, CA and have found someone to buy our house - Jane 4 weeks old, go to the lake, cousin's wedding, celebrate our 4 year anniversary
July - Begin ministry at Hilltop and go to Junior High camp, spend some time at home
August - Finally sell our house, kill lots of mice in the house - see a HUGE bear in the backyard, trip home to LA
September - John marries a life long friend and his fiance in San Diego, stay in town for a few days, Josh and Laura visit
October- Don visits, we have our first day of real snow and take our Christmas picture :), went to the lake house
November - Thanksgiving at the Lake house, Mom visited, and a surprise visit from my friend Tracy
December - Got in accident driving through the snow (we are all just fine praise God). John's grandma's 90th birhtday in San Jose, cut down our Christmas tree, MORE SNOW
These are just some of the highlights of this year.